Consult your primary care provider before starting the program. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.  Read more I understand

Abdominal Migraines in Children: What You Need to Know

Have you ever heard of abdominal migraines? It sounds like a fancy way of saying, “My tummy hurts,” but trust me, it’s more than that. Abdominal migraines are real, and they can be a real pain in the gut for our little ones.

But don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. In this article, we will break down everything you need to know about abdominal migraines in children, from the symptoms to the causes to the treatments.

By understanding the basics of this condition and taking a proactive approach to management and prevention, parents and caregivers can help their children lead healthy, active lives free from the pain and discomfort of abdominal migraines.

What are Abdominal Migraines?

Abdominal migraines are one type of migraine that mostly affects children. Even though it’s not as well-known as other types of migraines, they are surprisingly common, affecting up to 4% of children

Abdominal migraines are marked by intense, repeating bouts of severe stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting that can last for hours or even days. These events can be very bad, making it hard for a child to go to school, do social things, and do other things that are part of daily life.


Abdominal migraines are another type of migraine that primarily affects the abdomen instead of the head. When a child has this condition, they may have repeated bouts of severe stomach pain that can last from a few hours to a few days. Most of the time, the pain is felt around the belly button, which can be dull or sharp.

In addition to abdominal pain, children with abdominal migraines may experience the following:

  • nausea 
  • vomiting
  • decreased appetite 
  • fatigue
  • pale appearance

However, unlike typical migraines, abdominal migraines do not typically cause sensitivity to light or sound.

The severity and number of these symptoms can change from child to child, but they often come back repeatedly. Migraines in the stomach can be very painful and make it hard for a child to do everyday things like go to school or play with friends.

It’s important to know that the signs of abdominal migraines can be confused with other conditions, like appendicitis or gastroenteritis. So, it’s important to see a doctor to make sure you get the right evaluation.


No one knows for sure what causes migraines in the stomach yet. But research shows that both genetics and the environment may play a role in their development. Abdominal migraines have been linked to:

  • a family history of migraines
  • stress
  • changes in sleep patterns
  • certain foods
  • changes in hormones
  • digestive system problems
  • neurological issues

Even though the causes of abdominal migraines can be complicated, figuring out what sets them off and avoiding them can help reduce how often and badly they happen. In the next section, we’ll look at some of the ways to identify abdominal migraines in kids.


It can be hard to tell if someone has an abdominal migraine because the symptoms can be like other illnesses. A doctor or nurse will usually do a full physical check and review the patient’s medical history to rule out any other possible causes of the symptoms.

In addition, to help confirm the diagnosis, the provider may recommend additional tests, such as:

  • blood tests
  • imaging studies
  • gastrointestinal studies

It’s vital to get a correct diagnosis of this condition so that a good treatment plan can be made and symptoms can be managed.

It’s also important to remember that abdominal migraines don’t have a unique test or sign. So, doctors must look at the child’s symptoms and medical background to determine what’s wrong. Keeping a record of your symptoms and possible triggers can help your doctor figure out what’s wrong and help you get better care.

Treatment and Prevention

Abdominal migraines can hurt children and greatly affect their quality of life. Even though there is no known cure for this condition, there are things that can be done to help avoid them and lessen their effects. In this piece, we’ll look at some good ways to keep kids from getting abdominal migraines.

Identify Triggers

The first step in preventing this condition is to figure out what causes them. Stress, lack of sleep, certain foods or food additives, and changes in habits can all be common triggers. Recording your child’s symptoms and possible causes can help you find trends and give your doctor important information.

Live in a healthy way

Keeping a healthy lifestyle is very important if you want to avoid getting abdominal migraines. Encourage your child to eat a healthy, balanced diet, exercise regularly, and sleep regularly. Drinking enough water is also important since dehydration can cause abdominal pain.

Manage Stress

Stress is a common trigger for abdominal migraines. Encourage your child to find healthy ways to deal with stress, such as deep breathing or meditation. Physical activities like yoga or tai chi or artistic activities like drawing or writing can also help.

Avoid Certain Foods

Some children can get abdominal migraines from certain foods or food additives. Chocolate, coffee, prepared meats, and foods with nitrates or monosodium glutamate (MSG) are often to blame. If you know what these things are and stay away from them, it may help prevent attacks.

Consider Medications

In some cases, preventing abdominal migraines may require taking medicine. Your doctor may recommend beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, or tricyclic antidepressants to help prevent episodes.

Acupuncture and Biofeedback

Alternative therapies, such as acupuncture or biofeedback, may also be beneficial in preventing this condition. These therapies aim to help manage stress and promote relaxation, which can help reduce the frequency and severity of episodes.

Working closely with your child’s doctor is important to figure out the best way to treat them. A healthcare practitioner can help you make a treatment plan for your child that takes into account all of their symptoms and needs.

Sometimes, a child’s abdominal migraines go away on their own as they get bigger. In other cases, though, the symptoms may last into age. Children who get migraines in their stomachs can live healthy, active lives if they get the right medicine and care.


Children and their families can find it hard to deal with abdominal migraines. But with the right method, it is possible to reduce the number and severity of attacks. By knowing the signs, causes, diagnosis, and treatment choices for abdominal migraines, parents and other caregivers can help their kids deal with this condition.

You can help your child live a healthy and active life without the pain and discomfort if you know the problem and take steps to deal with it. If you put in a little work and take the right action, you can help your child do well despite this problem. 

Top 4 Ways to Prevent & Treat Headaches

Are headaches getting in the way of your daily life? We know how frustrating and debilitating they can be. If you’re tired of dealing with those pesky headaches, you’ve come to the right place.

We’ve gathered the top 4 ways to prevent and treat headaches using functional health approaches. These methods focus on addressing the root cause of your headaches rather than just masking the symptoms. So, let’s dive in and explore how you can say goodbye to headaches for good!

How To Prevent Headaches

Preventing headaches is all about understanding what triggers them and taking proactive steps to avoid those pesky pain-bringers. Here are some tips to help you keep headaches at bay:

Lifestyle Changes for Optimal Health

Making key lifestyle changes can make a difference when preventing and treating headaches. Here are four essential tips to help you achieve optimal health and keep those headaches at bay:

Get Enough Sleep

Sleep deprivation can lead to headaches. So aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to help improve your sleep quality.

Stay Active

Regular exercise has numerous health benefits, including headache prevention. Find an activity you enjoy, whether it’s walking, swimming, or dancing, and make it a part of your daily routine. Remember, consistency is key!

Prioritize Mental Health

Stress and anxiety are common headache triggers, so it’s essential to take care of your mental well-being. Practice mindfulness, seek support from friends and family, or consider talking to a mental health professional if needed.

Ditch Bad Habits

Unhealthy habits, like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, can contribute to headaches and negatively impact your overall health. Take steps to quit smoking, and if you choose to drink alcohol, do so in moderation.

Functional Nutrition and Diet

We’ve all experienced headaches at some point in our lives, and we know they can be a real pain. But did you know that the food we eat can play a significant role in preventing and treating headaches? That’s right! Let’s dive into the world of functional nutrition and explore the top 4 ways to prevent and treat headaches through our diet.

Stay Hydrated

First things first, drink up! Dehydration is a common trigger for headaches. Make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day to keep your body well-hydrated. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day, and don’t forget to increase your intake during hot weather or when you’re exercising.

Take Supplements

We all know how frustrating headaches can be. Sometimes, it feels like they come out of nowhere. But fear not, my friend! There’s a whole world of natural supplements that can help you combat those pesky headaches.

Magnesium: The Miracle Mineral

Did you know that magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in our body? It’s true! And one of its many benefits is its ability to help reduce headaches. Studies have shown that people who suffer from migraines often have low magnesium levels. So, by taking magnesium supplements, you can help prevent migraines and reduce their frequency.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): The Headache Helper

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is an essential nutrient that plays a significant role in energy production. Research has found that taking a daily dose of 400 mg of riboflavin can help reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. Plus, this vitamin is generally safe and well-tolerated, so it’s definitely worth trying!

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): The Cellular Powerhouse

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring antioxidant our bodies need for proper cellular function. Some studies have shown that taking CoQ10 supplements can help decrease the frequency of migraines. The recommended dosage is usually around 100-300 mg per day. But as always, consult with your healthcare practitioner before starting any new supplement.

Limit Trigger Foods

Some foods are known to trigger headaches in certain people. Common culprits include aged cheese, processed meats, and foods high in MSG. Keep a food diary to track what you eat and how your body reacts. This way, you can pinpoint any potential headache triggers and avoid them like the plague!

Don’t Skip Meals

Skipping meals can cause your blood sugar levels to drop, leading to headaches. Make sure to eat regular, balanced meals throughout the day to stabilize your blood sugar. Aim for a mix of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs at each meal. Your head (and your stomach) will be singing your praises!

How To Treat Headaches

Headaches can really put a damper on your day, but don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! In this section, we will discuss the top ways to treat headaches so you can get back to feeling your best.

Natural Pain Relief Options

Are you tired of dealing with headaches and reaching for painkillers every time? Well, you’re in luck! We’ve got some fantastic natural pain relief options for you to try. These remedies are not only effective, but they’re also gentle on your body. They can help reduce your reliance on medication.

Herbal Remedies

Looking for a more natural approach to tackling those pesky headaches? Herbal remedies might be just what you need! These plant-based solutions have been used for centuries to help relieve headache pain. They can be a great alternative to over-the-counter medications.


Ginger is a powerhouse herb with anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce headache pain. You can make a soothing ginger tea by boiling fresh ginger root in water for about 10 minutes, then strain and enjoy. If you’re on the go, ginger supplements are also available and can be just as effective.


Feverfew is a traditional medicinal herb used for centuries to treat headaches, particularly migraines. It’s believed to help reduce inflammation and relax blood vessels, which can help alleviate headache pain. You can find feverfew in various forms, such as dried leaves for tea, capsules, and even chewable tablets.

These herbal remedies can be a great alternative to over-the-counter painkillers. They can help you manage your headaches naturally. However, it’s always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional before trying new treatments, especially if you’re pregnant, nursing, or taking medications.

Heat and Cold Therapy

Sometimes, the simplest solutions are the most effective. Applying heat or cold to the affected area can provide quick relief from headache pain. For tension headaches, try using a warm compress or heating pad on your neck and shoulders. If you’re experiencing a migraine, a cold pack on your forehead might be more effective. Experiment with both methods to see which one works best for you.

Stretching and Relaxation Techniques

Headaches are often caused by tight muscles in your neck, shoulders, and upper back. Incorporating stretching and relaxation techniques into your daily routine can help prevent and relieve these headaches. Try gentle neck stretches, shoulder rolls, and deep breathing exercises to release tension and improve blood flow. You can also practice mindfulness meditation or progressive muscle relaxation to help calm your mind and body.

Alternative and Complementary Therapies

Sometimes, conventional treatments just don’t do the trick when it comes to headaches. That’s where alternative and complementary therapies come in! These non-traditional approaches can be a great way to find relief without relying on over-the-counter medications.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that involves placing thin needles at specific points on the body to alleviate pain and promote healing. Many people find it helpful for headache relief, and it’s even been shown to reduce the frequency of migraines! If you’re open to trying something new, consider giving acupuncture a shot.


Essential oils can be a game-changer when it comes to headache relief. Aromatherapy involves using these oils to stimulate your sense of smell and promote relaxation. Some popular essential oils for headache relief include lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus. You can use a diffuser, add a few drops to a warm bath, or even apply them directly to your temples for some instant relief.

Massage Therapy

Who doesn’t love a good massage? Not only is it a fantastic way to relax, but it can also help alleviate headache pain. Massaging the neck, shoulders, and head can help release tension and reduce the frequency of headaches. You can visit a professional massage therapist or try self-massage techniques at home.

Say Goodbye to Headaches!

Headaches can be a real pain. But with the right approach and a functional medicine perspective, you can prevent and treat them effectively. By incorporating these functional medicine practices into your daily life, you can take control of your headaches and improve your overall well-being.

Don’t forget to pay attention to your body and identify potential triggers, as this can help you avoid future headaches. And when in doubt, consult with a functional medicine practitioner to get personalized advice tailored to your unique needs.

So, take charge of your health, follow these top ways to prevent and treat headaches, and enjoy a pain-free life today!

7 Essential Tips for Managing Chronic Conditions Effectively

Chronic health conditions can sometimes feel like uninvited guests that show up to the party too early and refuse to leave. But guess what? We’ve all faced some party poopers in our lives, right?

Managing chronic conditions can sometimes feel like holding water in your hands – difficult and stressful. Regardless, even with the most persistent of these conditions, there’s always room for improvement to make our journey smoother.

We certainly think everyone deserves good days, despite any health battles. So, grab a comfortable seat, take a deep breath, and let’s run you through some simple yet powerful ways to manage chronic conditions better.

What Are Chronic Diseases

Before we dive into our essential tips, let’s set the stage with a basic understanding of chronic diseases – what they are, how they affect us, and why they can be such a nuisance.

Chronic diseases are, well, pretty literal to their name. They stick around. We’re talking about health issues that don’t just clear up after a few days with some rest and chicken soup. They’re conditions like heart disease, diabetes, or arthritis, which can last many moons.

These conditions can seem only to fiddle with our health, but hey, they play a significant tune! They can bring about physical discomfort, sometimes even pain. Moreover, they can be quite the stressors affecting our mood and overall quality of life.

It can sometimes feel like you’re a boat in a stormy sea, trying to find your direction amidst the crashing waves. But don’t fret. That’s why we’re here, sailing together, hand in hand.

Remember, we’re not just going to sit idle and let the winds toss us about. That’s not how we weather storms, right? Let’s equip ourselves with the right navigational tools – our effective tips for managing chronic conditions.

So what can we do to manage chronic diseases?

Diet Adjustments

When living with a chronic condition, what you eat packs a real punch. Yes, that’s right! Your diet can be incredibly helpful in managing your symptoms, reducing flares, and keeping you ticking along nicely.

Splash a Rainbow on Your Plate

You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘eat the rainbow’ before. But it’s more than just an Instagram-worthy caption – it’s a simple way to ensure you get as many vitamins and minerals as you can in your diet. We’re talking green spinach, bright orange squash, or vibrant berries.

Wave Goodbye To Processed Foods

You might love the convenience of a pre-packaged meal, but it might not love you back. Processed foods often come loaded with sugars, salt, and unhealthy fats. More often than not, they’re a flare waiting to happen in people with chronic conditions. Ditch them for wholesome, homemade alternatives.

Say Yes to Hydration

Water is your best buddy when it comes to overall health. Come rain or shine, make sure you keep sipping throughout the day. It keeps your organs working well, aids digestion, and can help ward off fatigue – a common symptom in many chronic conditions.

Remember, these are only guidelines, and your specific condition might require specific dietary adjustments. It’s always best to consult a healthcare provider before making serious changes to your diet.

Regular Exercise

Here’s something you’ve probably heard a million times before, “Regular exercise is good for you.” Before you roll your eyes at this common mantra, hear me out for a second. When you’re battling a chronic condition, working out regularly isn’t just about fitting into your skinny jeans or showcasing your biceps. It’s a crucial part of the battle plan against your chronic condition.

You might think that exercising will drain you, right? But guess what? Regular, low-impact exercises can actually boost your energy levels! It’s like having an extra cup of coffee—without the jitters!

Moreover, exercising regularly helps manage chronic pain. It might look like a daunting task at first. But once you get into the groove, you’ll begin to realize that those jumping jacks have given you some pain relief.

Stress Management Techniques

Stress is like that unwanted guest who always turns up at the most inconvenient times. Handling chronic conditions can sometimes be like a juggling act, and unwanted stress simply adds another ball to keep in the air.

The truth? Everyone experiences stress. But here’s the good news: stress is manageable. With a few winning techniques, you can push stress to the backseat so that it doesn’t interfere with managing your chronic condition.

Keep Those Good Vibes Rolling

Seriously, it’s as simple as that. Surround yourself with positive vibes – whether that’s your favorite music, a good book, or simply the sound of nature. Just remember, your environment plays a big role in your mindset, so make yours a happy place!

Mindful Moments

Take a moment. Yes, right now. Feel your breath, notice the world around you, and just be in the moment. This is mindfulness, and guess what? It’s super effective in managing stress levels. Best part? You can practice it anywhere, anytime.

Reach Out

Conversing with those who understand your struggles can be a powerful stress-buster. It might be a friend, a support group, or even a professional counselor. 

The Role of Adequate Sleep

When it comes to managing chronic conditions, sleep is your secret superpower. You wouldn’t drive your car with an empty tank, would you? The same goes for your body, and here’s why:

The Snooze is Your Fuel

Lack of sleep isn’t just about feeling groggy and grumpy (though, who loves feeling like a zombie?). Your body actually needs sleep to heal and repair your heart and blood vessels. When you’re tackling a chronic condition, this repair time becomes extra important. Future you definitely thanks present you for the comfy pillows and closed curtains.

So, how much sleep is enough? Most adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Seems like a lot? Maybe, but think about how much more effective you’ll be when you’re not snoring at your desk at work!

Here’s how you can sleep better:

Create a bedtime routine: Our bodies love consistency. Creating a regular sleep schedule helps to set our internal clock. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

Keep it calm: Make your bedroom a peaceful, cozy sanctuary. Keep it dark, quiet, and cool.

Ditch the devices: Cut down on screen time before bed. The light from devices can fool your brain into thinking it’s daytime.

Remember, when it comes to managing chronic conditions, never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. Seriously, it’s the stuff dreams are made of.

Regular Health Check-ups

You know what they say: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!” That’s especially true when it comes to managing chronic conditions. Going for regular health check-ups can be a game-changer for staying on top of your health and keeping those pesky symptoms in check.

Let me tell you why regular checkups are essential in navigating life with a chronic illness.

Keeping Tabs on Your Health

Just as you’d check your car’s oil and tires, getting regular health check-ups keeps you in the know about your body’s well-being. Because our bodies are way cooler than cars, so they also deserve some extra attention.

Spotting Problems Early On

You’ll be more aware of any changes in your body, making it easier to spot issues that might crop up. Think of it like catching a problem when it’s a tiny little seed before it grows into a wild, out-of-control weed.

No More Guessing Games

When managing a chronic condition, understanding how your body is responding to treatments is vital. Regular check-ups give you and your healthcare team the essential information to make informed decisions.

Stay Consistent With Your Treatment Plan

Remember when you resolved to jog every morning because you wanted to ace that local marathon? (Don’t worry, most of us didn’t make it past a week either!). But the thing is, any goal, whether it’s to run a marathon or manage a chronic condition, benefits from consistency.

Sticking to your treatment plan is kind of like going for that morning jog. You might not see the results instantly. But they’re definitely working on it behind the scenes – sort of like a lot of the unsung heroes in our lives!

Keeping up with your treatment plan is like doing the cha-cha: it’s all about the rhythm. You need to find your groove and stick with it. Here are some fab ways to stay consistent:

Keep It Simple

Think about your daily routine and figure out ways to make it easier. If you have too many complex steps or it takes too long, it’s a recipe for inconsistency. Pare down the plan to the essentials, and make following it as easy as pie.

Set Reminders

With hectic lives and never-ending to-do lists, forgetting things is inevitable. So, give yourself a break and set up friendly reminders. Use calendars, apps, or even trusty sticky notes – the key is finding what works best for you!

Keep Track of Your Progress

Monitoring your progress is like getting little gold stars on your report card. It feels amazing, and it keeps you motivated. Keep a journal, take photos, or simply make a mental note every time you hit a milestone. Whatever you choose, celebrate those moments of success.

Create a Solid Partnership With Your Healthcare Squad

Whoever said teamwork makes the dream work knew what they were talking about! Managing a chronic condition is no small feat, but you don’t have to go it alone. One of your greatest allies can be your primary care physician in the journey to effectively manage your chronic condition. They have the medical knowledge and the experience to guide you through your health maze.

Wrapping Up

Managing chronic conditions can be complex, but it’s not insurmountable. With the right care, the right mindset, and armed with the tips we’ve discussed, it truly becomes a manageable aspect of life.

Consistently following a medical treatment plan, incorporating healthy lifestyle changes, and monitoring your symptoms regularly can make a difference in managing your chronic condition effectively. Remember, it’s not about the sprint but the marathon. Each little step you take today contributes to a healthier you tomorrow.

7 Symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency

When you think of testosterone deficiency, you probably think of your father or grandfather. But most men don’t realize that testosterone deficiency can happen at a much younger age than they think.

Older men are indeed more likely to have low testosterone. That’s why low testosterone affects more than 60% of men over 65. But low testosterone also affects about a quarter of men over 30 and nearly 40% of men over 45.

Because testosterone affects so many things, you may have signs and not even know it. 

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a type of hormone produced primarily in the gonads. It is an androgen, which encourages the growth of male traits and characteristics. Testosterone is essential for reproduction and keeping bones and muscles strong.

This hormone also tells the body to produce new blood cells and increases libido in both men and women, making them more sexually active. Testosterone is linked to numerous puberty-related changes in boys, including:

  • body and pubic hair growth
  • increase in height
  • a bigger penis, testicles, and prostate gland
  • changes in sexual and aggressive behavior

This sex hormone often reaches its peak during adolescence or early adulthood. Around age 40, men’s ability to make testosterone begins to wane, causing testosterone levels to decline by 1 to 3 percent yearly.

Testosterone is much more common in men than in women. It starts the development of a man’s external and internal reproductive organs when he is still in the womb, and it is necessary for the production of sperm when he is an adult.

What Happens if I Have Testosterone Deficiency?

Low testosterone, also called hypogonadism, is when the amount of testosterone in the blood is lower than it should be. Hypogonadism is when your sex glands don’t make enough or any sex hormones. However, most cases of this disease get better with proper medical care.

If there isn’t enough testosterone when a baby is still in the womb, male traits might not fully form. If a boy doesn’t have enough testosterone during puberty, his growth may slow down, and he won’t have a growth spurt.

The child’s pubic hair, penis, and testes may not grow as much, and their voice may not change as much. Boys who don’t have enough testosterone may not be as strong or as durable as other boys their age, and their limbs may continue to grow out of proportion to the rest of their bodies.

Low testosterone levels in adult men can cause their muscles to get smaller, their body hair to fall out, and their skin to look wrinkly and “like parchment.” As men age, their testosterone levels naturally go down. This is sometimes called “male menopause” or andropause. Low testosterone levels can lead to:

  • mood swings
  • more body fat
  • less muscle tone
  • weak erections
  • poor sexual performance
  • osteoporosis
  • trouble focusing
  • memory loss
  • trouble sleeping

Current research shows that this effect only happens in about 2% of men as they age. But there is a lot of research going on right now to learn more about how testosterone affects older men and if using testosterone replacement therapy would be helpful.

What are the Causes of Low Testosterone?

Testosterone levels naturally go down as men age, but other conditions or situations can also cause low testosterone. Some of these are:

  • injuries to the testicle
  • chemotherapy or radiation
  • AIDS
  • Klinefelter syndrome
  • stress
  • pituitary gland conditions
  • using certain medications
  • autoimmune disease
  • obesity
  • infection
  • metabolic syndrome
  • alcohol use disorder

Most of the time, there is no apparent reason why a person has low testosterone. In this case, testosterone replacement therapy is a common and successful treatment.

What are the Symptoms of Testosterone Deficiency?

When a man’s testosterone level drops too low, he might have a number of symptoms. Unfortunately, many of these signs and symptoms are subtle, making them difficult to detect unless one knows what to look for.

Low Sex Drive

Testosterone is a very important part of sex drive or libido. When your testosterone level goes down, so does your desire to have sex. As people age, their testosterone levels naturally go down. But a sudden drop in testosterone can cause a drop in libido.

Some people’s sex drive goes down as they get older, but those with low testosterone are more likely to notice a significant change.

Researchers have found that the amount of testosterone in your body can affect your sexual fantasies and even your daydreams. If you don’t have enough testosterone, you might not be able to come up with sexual fantasies or desire to masturbate.

Since low testosterone can happen at any age and for a number of reasons, it’s best to talk to your doctor if you notice a change in your sexual desires. There are many ways to get testosterone levels back to normal, but you should always talk to your doctor first.

Problems with Erections

When testosterone levels are low, it can be hard to get or keep an erection. Testosterone has two kinds of effects on erections in your body. The first is in your brain and spinal cord, or central nervous system. Testosterone causes your CNS to release neurotransmitters, which are chemical messages from your brain that help you get an erection. 

These neurotransmitters include dopamine, nitric oxide, and oxytocin. They are essential molecules that speed up the chemical reaction that causes an erection.

The second step is to trigger your spinal nerves so that your blood vessels change in ways that help you get and keep an erection.

When a man has low testosterone, this chemical reaction slows down. As a result, this makes it harder for him to get an erection.

Reduced Muscle Mass

Testosterone helps build muscle mass, and if you don’t have enough of it, you can lose a lot of muscle tissue and tone. Testosterone helps your muscle cells keep their strength and keep your muscle fibers together. 

When your androgen receptors don’t get enough testosterone, your muscle cells can’t keep your muscle fibers in good shape, and your muscle fibers start to break down. Your muscles get weaker and weaker over time. So, even if you go to the gym every day, having low testosterone will make it harder for you to reach your goals.

Low Bone Mass

Testosterone helps make bone tissue and keep the volume of bones. Low testosterone can cause this volume to shrink, which can make the bones more likely to break. Additionally, studies show that testosterone makes osteoporosis worse. Osteoporosis is when bones lose their strength and density.

As people age, their bones naturally start to break down. Testosterone helps build new bones and keep the mass you already have. If the body lacks testosterone, new bone growth can’t keep up with the bone loss. The result is fragile bones that are likely to break when you trip or bump into something. Yes, bones do get weaker over time. Still, a lack of testosterone is directly linked to how weak men are and how quickly they age.

Hair Loss

Even though male pattern baldness happens naturally to many men, a drop in testosterone can also be a big reason men lose their hair. Persons with low testosterone may lose hair all over their bodies and not just on their heads. This could be a sign that their testosterone levels are too low.

Low Energy Levels

Hormones that are in balance do many important things, including ensuring you have enough energy throughout the day. If you don’t have enough testosterone, you might feel tired even after a good night’s sleep. This drop in energy can make you feel tired and worn out.

Low testosterone often leads to fatigue. You may feel like you don’t have as much energy as usual despite having plenty of sleep. You may also find it harder to get motivated to do anything or to exercise.

Lower Sperm Count

If your sex drive hasn’t changed much, but you’re making less sperm than usual, it could be because your testosterone level is low. Testosterone is a key part of how your body makes sperm, and if you have less of it, your sperm production will go down over time.

Studies have shown that a low testosterone level is directly linked to a low number of sperm and problems with male fertility. Additionally,  men’s sperm counts have dropped by more than half in the last 40 years, which is a worrying trend.

Who is at Risk?

Hypogonadism can affect men of all ages, from birth to adulthood. Low testosterone is more prevalent among men who:

  • are older
  • have poorly controlled Type 2 diabetes.
  • have obesity
  • have obstructive sleep apnea
  • chronic medical issues, such as kidney disease or liver cirrhosis
  • have HIV/AIDS

How to Test Testosterone?

A testosterone test looks at how much testosterone is in your blood. If a doctor wants to check the levels of hormones in your blood, they will tell you what time of day to take the test. Since hormone levels peak in the morning, this test is often done between 7 and 10 in the morning. Your doctor may do more than one test to see your levels.

Before your test, your doctor may tell you to stop taking some drugs that could affect your testosterone levels. You should also tell your physician about all the medicines you are taking. Include both prescription and over-the-counter medicines.

Can Low Testosterone Levels be Avoided?

Healthcare professionals and medical researchers do not know how to avoid low testosterone caused by genetic disorders or testicular, hypothalamic, or pituitary gland injury. However, there are various ways to boost testosterone levels naturally. Some of them are:

  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Regular exercise
  • Proper weight management
  • Avoiding too much use of drugs and alcohol
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Minimizing stress

Treatments for Low Testosterone

When a specific reason is found for testosterone deficiency, treatment can be centered on that reason. For example, when the pituitary gland makes too many hormones, medicine or surgical procedures may be used to fix the problem.

When there is no clear cause, Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is the most common way to treat the problem. Through regular injections of testosterone, TRT raises the amount of testosterone in the body. This therapy can be done in different ways:

  • Testosterone patches give a set amount of testosterone every day, but they need to be changed every day.
  • Testosterone gels work a lot like testosterone patches and must be put on daily.
  • Intramuscular testosterone supplementation is a shot that is given every one to four weeks.
  • Testosterone pellets are placed under the skin, making the level of testosterone stays stable for 4-6 months.

Using testosterone therapy to treat normal aging is not a good idea. Suppose you don’t have a medical condition that could be causing your testosterone levels to drop. In that case, your doctor might recommend natural ways to boost testosterone, like losing weight and building muscle mass through exercise.

What are the Risks of Testosterone Therapy?

Before starting TRT, patients should know they will have to do it for the rest of their lives. When you take testosterone supplements, the amount of testosterone your body makes on its own goes down.

A hematocrit test can show that testosterone replacement therapy can also increase a patient’s red blood cell mass. Because of this, it is crucial to keep a close eye on hematocrit levels. Other risks of TRT include:

  • Worsening sleep apnea
  • Acne or other skin reactions
  • Growth of the prostate
  • Shrinkage of the testicles
  • Limited sperm production
  • Enlarging breasts


If you have any of the symptoms of low testosterone, you should talk to your doctor first. Many of these indications are common and could be signs of other problems. A medical diagnosis is needed to ensure you get the right care. Your doctor can check for testosterone imbalances and help you fix them so that these signs and symptoms go away.

If your doctor says you have low testosterone, you should consider getting treatment. Never treat low testosterone on your own with medicines your doctor hasn’t approved. It’s too dangerous. Instead, talk to your doctor about different ways to treat your illness so you can find one that works for you.